Models (2019)

This photography project documents handmade plant models - various paper, cardboard and plastic plant models purchased by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iași from Germany, in the 1980's. On the one hand, the photos analyze the relationship between the image represented and the representations of reality and, on the other hand, the expressiveness and beauty of the shapes and structures of the vegetal world in oversized photographs.
Model_01_2019, pigment print, 180x230cm, 2019, edition 5+2AP, 35x45cm, edition 5+2AP
Model_02_2019, pigment print, 180x230cm, 2019, 5+2AP; 35x45cm, edition 5+2AP
Model_03_2019, pigment print, 100x130cm, 2019, 5+2AP; 35x45cm, edition 5+2AP
Model_04_2019, pigment print, 100x130cm, 2019, 5+2AP; 35x45cm, edition 5+2AP
Model_05_2019, pigment print, 100x130cm, 2019, edition 5+2AP; 35x45cm, edition 5+2AP