Maersk Dubai (2007)

Maersk Dubai is a video telling the tragic story of three Romanian immigrants, stowed away in shipping containers on the Maersk Dubai, which in the '90s was doing regular voyages between  Algeciras (Spain) and Halifax (Canada). The Romanians were discovered by the Taiwanese ship captain and thrown into the Atlantic. The film also analyses the difficult context Romania found itself in the first years after the demise of communism.

Matei Bejenaru, Maersk Dubai, video, 7min., 2007


The video was presented in the exhibitions :
Travel guide, solo show, Posibila Gallery, Bucharest, 2007
De Romania, group show, Canem Gallery, Castillion (Spain), curator: Matei Caltia, 2008
Taipei Biennial 2, Taipei (Taiwan), curators : Vasif Kortun & Manray Szu, 2008