From Plastic Arts to Visual Arts (2013)

From Fine Arts to Visual Arts is a project by the artist Matei Bejenaru, presented at the Salonul de proiecte in Bucharest between october-november 2013. The curators of the project were Magda Radu and Alexandra Croitoru.
The starting point of the project was a "reflection march" undertaken on 3 September 2013 between two locations in Bucharest: the Dalles gallery – the most prominent exhibition space for fine arts in Romania during communist rule – and Salonul de proiecte, a space that exhibits at present projects of contemporary art.
Using a GPS device, I transposed the route of his walk into a drawing, which was subsequently
enlarged to scale and turned into a sculpture made of stainless steel. The mental experiences that occurred
during the artist's march were recorded in detail and, through various algorithms of thought, were transformed
into a set of instructions for the execution of two sculptures. In the end the two sculptures were made by the
artist Lucian Smău.
The map of the reflection march between Dalles Hall and Salonul de proiecte Bucharest
The stainless steel sculpture sketch.
Notes during the reflection march.
The granit sculpture made by the artist Lucian Smau.
Images from the exhibition